Work day description: We will join Campus Facility Services to conduct campus beautification efforts such as planting, mulching, and trash removal.
Campus stewardship work days

Meeting location and parking information: We will meet in the Union Building lawn area, located directly east of the Union Building and off of Riley Blvd. Please refer to the Campus Map linked above to find the Union Building, labeled UN on the map. Due to the construction in the area, please note that parking is not available directly adjacent to the Union Building. You will need to park in an appropriate lot for your parking tag and either walk or take a shuttle to the meeting location. The linked campus map has an interactive parking and transportation feature to display parking lot options. A free university shuttle does make a stop at the Union Building. Please refer to the Parking and Transportation shuttle link above for the available routes.
Participants must wear clothes appropriate for outdoor field work. Long pants and closed toe shoes are required. Water, gloves, and equipment will be provided.
Additional resources: Visit the Topical Resources page for information related to topics discussed during or related to service learning projects and work days. Please refer to your instructor's guidelines for specific requirements regarding course paper research.