
Discovering the Science of the Environment: earth and environmental science programs for schools

Discovering the Science of the Environment (DSE) is an inquiry-based, interactive science education program for central Indiana 5th through 12th grade students and education professionals.

Informed by research in earth & environmental sciences and ecology, this program provides specially designed curriculum and state-of-the-art technology resources to help educators utilize school ground natural areas and nature centers to instruct students in an experiential environment.

Educator professional development, education program delivery with a mobile science lab, and after school science clubs provide unique opportunities to raise the level of environmental awareness and science aptitude for Indiana youth.

Discovering the Science of the Environment is offered by the Center for Earth and Environmental Science (CEES). The program seeks to:

  • fundamentally change the way students and the public view the environment and their role in improving environmental quality;
  • develop scientifically and technologically skilled students and teachers who are engaged in scientific inquiry and;
  • interest students in career pathways in science, math, engineering, and technology.

Opportunities offered through the DSE program

Science! Sprinter

Mobile STEM lab programs

Equipped with a variety of field gear and technology tools, the Science! Sprinter travels to your school to provide education programs using school ground* natural areas. Please contact: cees@iu.edu for more information.

*Nearby parks or nature centers are also options.

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Professional Development Institutes

Summer and academic year workshops

CEES offers professional development workshops designed to help teachers broaden their environmental science skills and earn continuing education credits. Please contact cees@iu.edu to suggest potential topics of interest for future workshops.

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After School Science Clubs

Science without stress.

CEES is looking for teachers/schools interested in participating in extracurricular science activities designed to foster student appreciation of science, increase interest in STEM careers, and enhance student learning outcomes. If interested, please contact the Center at cees@iu.edu.